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Eagle Rock Cluster

June 11, 2015

~Teddy (BT)- Winners dog, best of winners for a 3pt major! ~Jesse (BT)- showed great ~Layla (Aussie)- 2nd ~Cale (Aussie)- Best Opposite sex for a GCH major! ~Hansel (Berner)- Winners Dog for a 3pt major! ~Cooper (FCR)- Winners Dog, Best of Winners for a 4pt major! ~Ceilidh (FCR)- reserve to the major ~Kaitlyn (FCR)- Winners Bitch for a 4pt major!!

June 12, 2015

~Teddy (BT)- Winners dog, best of winners for a 3pt major! ~Jesse (BT)- Select Dog for a GCH major ~Layla (Aussie)- 1st ~Cale (Aussie)- showed great ~Hansel (Berner)- Winners Dog for a 3pt major! ~Ceilidh (FCR)- 2nd ~Kaitlyn (FCR)- 1st ~Cooper (FCR)- Winners Dog NEW CHAMPION!!!!

June 13, 2015

~Hansel (Berner)- 2nd ~Layla (Aussie)- 2nd ~Cale (Aussie)- Best Opposite sex ~Cooper (FCR)- showed great his first time out as a special ~Ceilidh (FCR)- 2nd ~Kaitlyn (FCR)- Winners Bitch for a 4pt major ~Teddy (BT)- Reserve winners Dog ~Jesse (BT)

ID GROUP 2.jpg

- Showed great

June 14, 2015

~Hansel (Berner)- 2nd

~Layla (aussie)- Not shown, no major

~Cooper (FCR)- Showed great

~Ceilidh (FCR)- 2nd

~Kaitlyn (FCR)-1st, Reserve Winners Bitch

~Teddy (BT)- Winners Dog

~Jesse (BT)- Select Dog

~Cale (aussie)- Best of Breed, HERDING GROUP 2!!

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